How to Improve Your English Vocabulary

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 20-05-2020

          When we are speaking or writing in English, we may find ourselves puzzled about what words are used to present our ideas. It seems that our brain is running out of vocabulary and could not find out what words to use. This is a common issue for someone who learns a new language. And here are several ways to help you improving your vocabulary. Forewarning, every learner has a different style of learning a new language. So, it is better for you to know which way is suitable for you. Now let’s cut the chit chat, and check out these several methods that will help you enrich your English vocabulary.

1. Read

          This one needs no lengthy explanation. Reading is one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary. Try to read as many reading materials as possible, for example, books, magazines, blog posts, newspapers, speech, etc to be able to find a variety of new vocabulary. If you find any unfamiliar vocabulary during your reading process, try to highlight or mark the word, then look for the meaning in the dictionary.

2.  Analyze vocabulary in context

          When reading, try to test yourself by not checking the meaning of new words in a dictionary immediately. Instead, infer the meaning from context. Just continue reading after stumbling upon a new word and you'll see that this particular task is, in fact, not that hard. It's a more advanced method of mastering new vocabulary but it's definitely worth a shot.

3. Repeat, repeat, repeat

          Well, repetition is one of many ways of mastering a new language. It’s quite simple to be done. While it is crucial that you constantly learn new vocabulary, it is pertinent that you revise each and every new word to make the most out of your learning experience and always keep your head in the game. Our brain will easily remember the new vocabulary if we keep on repeating it frequently.

4. Make use of games and apps

          This is probably the most frequent method of learning new vocabulary among the learners of today. Most language learning apps, such as Duolingo, Memrise, or QuizUp are vocabulary-centric and utilize repetition and behavioral patterns to aid your learning process and help maximize your time and effort. These apps are accessible, and you can learn any time you want through your mobile. 

          So, dare to try those tips above? Let's make the quarantine season more useful and interesting by learning English!

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