6 Tips to Learn English Pronunciation in a Week

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 17-06-2020

          Englis pronunciation sounds easy, yet pretty hard and need some practice. For those of you who still feel the pronunciation is not so perfect, you actually can learn it in only a week if you follow the tips below:

1. Learn sounds, including sounds and symbols of the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)

          This one is useful for learn the correct pronunciation of a particular word and it is also necessary to know what sound you hear. For example, the pronunciation of the word /bad/, you will whether to hear the word /bӕd/ or /bed/. In this situation, you are required to be able to distinguish it. To make it easier, IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) can be very helpful.

2. Learn phonetic transcription and word emphasis

          Usually, phonetic transcription is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). So every sound in English has its own symbol. Generally phonetic transcription is given in brackets, such as / du / and / noʊ / this. In English, when there are words that have many syllables, generally one of them will be pronounced more strongly, the English term is word stress. The most popular system is to place a vertical line (ʹ) placed before the syllable is emphasized in the phonetic transcription.

3. Make it a habit to check the pronunciation in the dictionary

          When you are talking and you are not sure how to say the word, you should not guess. Just check the pronunciation first before saying it. And for beginners, it is better before reading the phonetic symbols first. If you are not sure, use the dictionary. Things like this you have to do often to get used to the correct pronunciation. Do not you just guessing it.

4. Listen and pay attention

          There are a lot of media which you can use to learn English, for example, TV, movies, podcasts, audiobooks, and so on. When you are listening to one of those media, you better pay attention to how it sounds and also how the words were spoken.

5. Practice saying words and phrases from time to time

          In this case, you can practice systematically, for example, only 15 minutes with a dictionary or you can also practice online pronunciation. In addition, you can also repeat a few words while doing other things, for example watching movies, listening to music, and so on. Things to note in this case is to do it regularly. In this way guaranteed to make very significant progress. So it really doesn't take long to be able to master pronunciation in English.

6. Learn the most common words in a systematic way

          To do this, look for a list of the most commonly used words or daily vocabulary in English and then look for the pronunciation. By getting used to things like this, guaranteed in a short time you will feel the progress so rapidly. Actually, there is no difficult thing if you did it in the right way. But even so, staying focused and consistent is also important to do. This also applies if you want your pronunciation to be better.

          So, if you want to master English pronunciation, don't be hesitate, and you can try the tips given above. Good luck!

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