How to Manage Our Money

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 02-09-2020

      Have you ever run out of money in the middle of the month? Have you ever felt rich at the beginning and ended up being poor at the end of the month? Is this what causes you to close the previous hole and then open another hole for a debt? The thing that you really need is managing your money. Do you think that you are being wasteful because you only live once? It is okay to think like this to please your-self, but everything must be balanced. After this the author is going to give you tips and tricks how to manage your money. This is really recommended for anyone who has a small amount of income which is suitable for college students, fresh graduates, or even school students.

            The first thing to do is calculating the total of your monthly income. For fresh graduates who start working, you will know easily your fix monthly money because you have the salary. For college students who have monthly money from your parents, or even your salary for being freelancers, you can to do listing and calculating. And for school students, you can know your monthly income by perhaps pocket money that you get from your parents. You can calculate all of your income to estimate your expanses later.

            The second important thing to do is saving money. This is really important in managing money. Saving money is done in the beginning before we use our money, and please do not wait until it is left in the end of month. Saving money should not need in a big amount. It is fine only saving in a small amount, as long as it is consistent. 

            After preparing for saving money, you should determine your fix expanses. This is the expanse that is always spent to buy all the necessities for your life. For example if you live apart from your parents, you can list and calculate the cost for daily meals, bills like for electricity, water, internet, etc. You also can do listing and preparing the cost for buying groceries in the beginning of month to restock all things you need to live in your boarding house. For school students, you can do listing the fix expanse for your public transport cost, gasoline cost, or stationary cost.

            The next is determining the variable expanses. Variable expanse is the expenditure of money that can change depending on our needs. This kind of expanse is not as important as fix expanses because it is optional and adjusting. The examples of variable expanses are the cost for hang out, traveling, to buy a snacks, to do social and charity activities, and so on. Sometimes if we can manage our variable expanses very well, we can get leftover money, so we can get use it for other things that we want.

            I think the successful people are not those who have a lot of income, but people who can manage their finances well. Many people whose income is a lot, but the expenses are much bigger, this will make them miserable until the time they will go bankrupt and have nothing else. The other important is spending money for charity. We have to remember that some of our money belongs to others. This expanding money for this activity is really important. Therefore, managing money is very important for our life because it can prevent form bad economical things in the future.

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