What Will You Do If You Get Bored during a Lesson?

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 27-04-2022

              Boredom is the root of all evils. It also happens in the education field. Most students are easy to get bored during the teaching and learning process. This thing may happen because either they do not like the subject or they detest the teacher’s teaching method. When students start to get bored in the class, they tend to do negatives activities such as ignoring the lesson and doing other things. So here are several things that students usually do when they cannot stand the lesson inside the class anymore.

              When students lose their focus on the materials which are given by the teacher, they begin to take out their handphones and play with them. Some students, prefer to play games using their mobile phones if they do not enjoy the lesson. Sometimes, students choose to open particular social media and try to find out what is going on rather than paying attention to the teacher's explanation. Even the worst, instead of focusing themselves on the subject, they set earphones on their ears and listen to their favorite music, so that they cannot hear the teacher.

              Another activity that students do when they start to feel bored in the middle of the lesson is talking with their classmates. Firstly, to open the conversation with their friend, a student will ask about the time. It can be what time it is or even what time will the class ends. After asking about the time, they will tell their friends about their condition currently. They will say that they are bored with the lesson. Finally, they will do such a long conversation talking about the bad things about the lessons, the materials are so difficult to understand, tell their friend that they do not like the teacher, and so on.

              Many students think that the best solution for having a boring time during class is sleeping. Mostly, students who sit in the back row are easy to get sleepy and decide to sleep in the class because they assume that the teacher will not see them sleep. Students who sleep during the lesson are students who feel tired because of their activities outside the class. In addition, perhaps sleeping is the last thing to choose when they are bored to play their smartphone or maybe they are not clicking with the person beside them so they do not have someone to talk with.

              Those are the most usual activities to do when pupils are no longer enjoying the learning activity inside the classroom. For the teacher, they have to be more creative in using teaching methods and creating an attractive learning process. Furthermore, the students themselves should not neglect the teacher’s explanation in class. They have to appreciate their teacher and study well because studying is their prime job as students.

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