Blended Learning in Teaching

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 13-07-2022

            Currently, the e-learning program is a hot topic in the world of education, as technology becomes increasingly sophisticated it will affect learning methods and will be more sophisticated as well. Regulations for e-learning are currently also being drafted by the government that regulations on the implementation of e-learning or online lectures in the near future will be issued by the government. Face-to-face learning or meeting in person, then changing to online really requires effort and costs that are not small. But this can be started with the Blended Learning model. What is blended learning? The Blended Learning Model is basically a combination of learning excellence that is done face-to-face and virtually.

            Blended learning is learning that is supported by an effective combination of ways of delivery, ways of teaching, and different learning styles and is found in open communication between all sections involved with training. As for the benefits of using blended learning as a combination of direct teaching (face-to-face) and online teaching, but more than that as an element of social interaction, namely:

1. Interaction between teachers and students

2. Teaching can be online or in-person

3. Blended Learning = combining instructional modalities (or delivery media)

            The benefit of using e-learning and also blended learning in education today is that e-learning provides flexibility in choosing the time and place to access lessons. Students do not need to travel to where lessons are delivered, e-learning can be done from anywhere whether they have access to the Internet or not.

            E-learning provides an opportunity for students to independently control the success of learning. Learners are free to determine when they will start when they will finish, and which parts in one module they want to learn first. If, after repeated, there are still things that he does not understand, learners can contact the instructor, or resource persons via email, chat or take part in interactive dialogues at certain times.

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