Does Grammar Matter?

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 05-12-2018

          Grammar has been one of the most studied subject in a language. It is a set of patterns consist of words being put together as a phrase that are use in spoken or in written forms. Grammar is also known as many people their number one enemy, because there is a lot of grammar that need to be memories and need to assemble. Imagine yourself being in the market and you are talking to a person with a very poor grammar, despite the fact that you are being completely annoyed by his or her lack of grammar, you still can catch the speaker point in those jumbled words. Most english phrases starts with subject, verb, and followed by the object, while on the other hand the Japanese grammar consist of subject, object and followed by verb.

          The different patterns of word is not only happening in on just one language compared to the next but also found in the same language used by different speaker  across the globe. For example the english of britain people and the english of america people is varies depending on the cultural background of these english. So in order to get the same understanding in english despite being culturally different, the scholars across the globe tries to standardized english for many of us in the future, the same thing they do with most of language spoke in the world so it can be learned again as the new english and considered as the proper English. And although scholars try to find the pattern for most of the language spoken in the world, the fact that they are completely diverse and unique gives the linguistics world quite a headache. Their initial discovery of the original pattern of having nouns and verbs in the phrase or clause, and while any language needs consistent patterns in order to make them function the study of this pattern opens up an ongoing debates on two positions known as :

1. Prescriptivism

          Prescriptivism approach on the linguistics is that every language has a pattern, or say has a grammar to make them function and to make the phrase understandable. They are quite useful for people who want to study the language even though it not their mother language because of the same pattern of phrase which help them to communicate to other people. It also quite difficult for some because of this patterns makes the learner must memories these rules that construct a language. These rules can be quite confusing and because it is learned language most speaker have difficulty to express themselves in a way to make other people understand what they are initially proposing.

2. Descriptivism

          Descriptivism on the other hand sees variation and adaptation as a natural and a necessary part of the of the language. So this theory stated that instead of learning on how language should be used, they tell people how to use it. From a linguistics point of view, speech is a separate from form writing with its own uniqueness. So when someone is giving a speech about something meaning that they also must consider how that speech being projected meaning they are tend to be more flexible depending on the needs of the speaker and the listener which could resolve in removing speech sound the make the speech faster, or avoiding word that are difficult to understand. 

          Ultimately, grammar is the best described as linguistics habits that are constantly being invented and being renewed by a group of language user in the world and that grammar itself being woven by a also a series of language user in the world today.


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