Bullying on Children's Social Life

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 26-12-2018

          Bullying is an aggressive or hurtful behavior toward another person that is repeated over time.  Bullying include hurtful behavior such as teasing, spreading rumors, or name-calling and then physical hurtful such as hitting, kicking, or vandalism of someone else’s property.  It supported by Jan & Hussein (2015) “Bullying is a form of individual aggression, negative group dynamics, and social violence. It may include threats, verbal and physical abuse, mockery, insulting, and so on”. Bullying is being a big problem for children and young people that go through it and can make them dread going to school. Bullying should not be done by children because of several reasons such as lower of self confidence, being less of social active and also bullying could lead the child to commit suicide.

          The first reason to explain why bullying should not be done is a child who is bullied eventually has low self confidence. According to Diena (2015) “Bullying that done over the time can make the victim feel embarrassed, until to lose self confidence. This case should be socialized to many people, because it can be dangerous for victims”. Self confidence is usually defined as an individual’s perception of themselves or also be measured by how much the child appreciates, able to show themselves and loves themselves.  If the child is constantly being bullied at school whether it is physically or mentally, then they will start to lose confidence in themselves self and might even begin to dislike themselves because of their weaknesses

          The second reason why bullying should stopped because bullying can cause stress and depression, and then the child become less socially active. According to Wolke & Lereya (2015) “Bullying leads to short- and long-term outcomes including problems with concentration, learning difficulties, psychosomatic problems, depression, anxiety, etc”. For fear or being bullied, the child might choose to stay away from any social gatherings. The child might prefer to stay at home and begin to dislike going to school.

          The last reason why bullied is bad because children who bullied could lead the child to commit suicide. Social Minister, Khofifah Indar Parawangsa says that “As many 40% of children in Indonesia are passing away because of suicide due to bullying”. Depression is a major factor for suicide. Bullying has long term effects on suicide risk and mental health that can persist into adulthood. It is bad for their future life because if they haven’t an enough mental health, they would difficult to trust to other people, but if they cannot facing the problem, they would commit suicide because they thought it is the easy way to solve the problem and out of depression.

          In conclusion, bullying is bad condition in children life. It need to stopped because bullying is a negative social trend that affects the most vulnerable and weak children, leading to psychological and psychosomatic problems, depression, anxiety, etc. Because this phenomenon is difficult to prevent, it is extremely important to involve all stakeholders including teachers, families, and students.

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Jan, A., & Hussain, S. (2015). Bullying in elementary schools: Its causes and effects on students.Journal of Education and Practice.

Wolke, D., & Lereya, S. T. (2015). Long-term effects of bullying.Arch Dis Child.

Hess, James A. & Professor Merrifield, (2012) Stop Bullying, Help Make the World a Happier, Better Place. Retrieved on 23 July 2012 on http://jhess218.blogspot.co.id/

Syah, Moch.Harun, (2015) Bunuh Diri Anak Indonesia 40 Persen karena Bullying.Retrieved on November 09, 2015 onhttp://news.liputan6.com/read/2361551/mensos-bunuh-diri-anak-indonesia-40-persen-karena-bullying.