The Effect of Obesity

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 08-01-2019

          Obesity is condition where the at layer accumulates in the body to a point where it becomes a hearth risk. Obesity can be medically understood as a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their heath. According to Myers (2004) “A person who is said to be obese if there is an increase or enlargement of fat cells in their bodies”. The human body can aford to accumulate a little extra fat but when the fat accumulation leads to severe heath complications and lowers quality of life. The adverse health conditions can leads various physical and emotional problems.

          Obesity can occur when humans often eat high-calorie foods. However, when often eating high-calorie foods and not offset by physical exercise, the remaining energy from the burning of calories will be stored in the body in the form of fat. Day by day, the fat will increase and make the body look bigger or fatter.

          Obesity can bring some various physical problems. The first caused by obesity is cancer, many fact mentions that people with obesity are at risk of developing cancer even up to 40%. Obesity and low physical activity can lead to cancer risk. Cancer is a disease caused by lifestyle and unhealthy life. Chapman (in Fiforlif, 2017) says "Obesity is a major factor in colon cancer and breast cancer in menopausal women". The hormon stronger produced by this fat cell because cancer risk higher if this is silenced, it will be dangerous. The second is it will creasing stomach acid, stomach acid in diabetics will experience a fairly rapid increase. This is because at presses the stomatch area that makes stomach acid to rise. It is not good or health if it keep happening. Also obese can lead an asthma, Sleep Apnea or snoring is a disease caused by obesity. Sign is difficult to sleep soundly and likes snoring during sleep. This is a respiratory disorder that makes the airway seem to stop several times when asleep. Sleep apnea is associated with the appearance of hypertension, heart failure, and other diseases.

          One of the main effect of obesity is the emotional problem. Other people so often mock or bully their friends who are overwight thus making the people who obese are loss of self-esteem and creasing the risk of depression. The other effect for obese in their social life is behavior and earning problems, overwight people tend to be more anxious and social skills worse than someone who have normal wight, this problem can cause so annoying in their environment or not confident. Lasedu (2013) says that “Emotional impacts may be one of the most painful parts for people who are obese. Society nowadays more emphasis on physical appearance that is identical to slim body, especially for women”. In this phase, self-help can create a great feeling of despair in some overweight. Depressed  may lose interest with normal activities such as sleeping more than usual or crying a lot.

          In conclusion, the health of  human being will mostly depend on the people raising. Prevention is better than cure so some steps need to be taken to make sure a healty life for them. Obesity can be preverted by healthy diet, proper exercise and good habits create in their environment. This problem should not be neglected. Therefore, parents must develop a strategy of ensuring themselves are active enough and not lazy. Healthy life style will make and create family live healthly.

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dr. Marianti(2012) Alodokter. Retrieved on

Myers, Michael D. (2004). Definition of Obesity. Retrieved on

Fiforlif (2017) Penyakit Yang Mungkin Timbul Akibat Kegemukan. Retrieven on

Lasedu, Jafrey (2015) Penyakit Yang Muncul Karena Obesitas. Retrieved on