What Causes Insomnia?

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 23-07-2019

          What keeps you up at night? Is probably because of you pondering these deep questions about existence or is it due to excitement for the day to come or because of you stressing about work that you need to do. Many cases of sleep deprivation is due to these reasons, but what if it is the stress of not getting a good night sleep that keeps you up at night which cause this loop of sleepless night. That is the heart and the real issue behind insomnia, one of the most common sleep disorder in the world. Almost anything can be the cause of insomnia, a snoring partner, in terrible condition of pain, stressing out about something at school or work, or jetlag which can cause your body to stumble on the balance of day and night and eventually wreck your sleeping schedule.

          In most cases these sleep deprivation is temporary, because exhaustion catch up with us eventually, but however on some long terms condition as in gastric intestines problem or respiratory disorder and many other could lead on a long period of insomnia, and even though insomnia isn’t quite typically the cause of death so far, but they do result in a symptom similar to those who suffer from anxiety disorder, easily agitated, fight or run system, easily depressed, and not seems to be in good mood. It also effect their brain in a way while they are sleeping the brain usually do this scan and repair for the parts that are used by the day but by sleepless night they continue to work without giving any rest for the brain to repair themselves which could lead to a more serious outcome in terms of lacking focus, cannot think clearly and sometimes not being able to catch what other partner are saying.

Insomniac people do get their turn in sleeping but the quality of their sleep usually very low, meaning that meanwhile they are sleeping the brain which usually slow down on the consumption of energy because it is to be used in the next day cannot slow down their consumption and continue to eat as much energy as you were when you are awake. This cause the person waking up in the morning not feeling relaxed at all instead they feel tired, stress, and angry.

          The good news is that there are some way in which we can do to cut down these vicious cycle of sleep, like in many disorder there are ways to help you to reach a good night sleep, try this

          1. Treat the main cause of stress

In most cases this treatment works the best and it is also mostly use by the therapist to treat patient with insomnia disorder, so what you can do is to try to find your happy spot, or to just dive in head first to the cause of your stress itself, it all depends on you to how to do it. By knowing what is the cause of your stress and place some treatment towards it makes you feel more relief and more relaxed now that the stress isn’t consuming your thoughts, and your brain then recognized the sleeping signal which are being given by your body and helps you to fall asleep.

          2. Practice good night sleep

Practicing a good night sleep may sound ridiculous for other people but it is super helpful to fight for those insomniac night, meaning that in this practice help you how to make yourself more comfortable and also recognized the real reason why you can’t fall asleep and help you to overcome it by making extra measure to prevent it from stopping you to sleep. This practice will eventually be a habit and this habit will help you to stop your old one which is insomnia.

          3. Make sure its dark

Ever heard of saying turn off the light when you sleep? Well it is actually not just one of those propaganda for conserving energy, which is also are but most importantly is that when you turn the light off it send a signal to your brain that it is already dark and you should sleep right now, besides when its comes to light actually your brain is quite sensitive about it, because then they have to process it so when you are in the absence of light meaning that your brain don’t have to process it no more which makes them feels relaxed, and at ease.

          4. Lower the temperature to your comfort

Dropping the temperature at your comfort because cool temperature helps to cool down your temperature and it also feel nice to help people to fall asleep faster rather than hot temperature which can make another distraction such as sticky skin, the need to take off all your clothes, or going outside the room and etc.

          5. Only use the bed for sleeping

This is the most important thing, because when that restless night is piling up you seen your bed with the images of you not falling asleep and it reeks with anxiety and other stuff. To avoid any of that meaning you have to use your bed only for sleeping, of however you feeling not tired then get out of bed and spend it someplace else by reading a book, do yoga, or maybe reading old journals.

          6. Consistent with your sleeping schedule

Consistent with your sleeping schedule is one of the way to help fight insomnia because when your body is programmed to sleep at certain hour and wake up at certain hour too, it will help to set up your natural alarm inside your body to help you to fight the urge of not sleeping because it is when your body off and on button.

          These are just some way I gather in helping those with insomnia, hopefully by following these instructions you will get a better sleep schedule and better sleep quality. Goodluck!

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