4C's Skills in the 21st Century

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 13-08-2019

              Have you ever imagined that our earth could be shot up into like nowadays? Everything is changing so quick and rapid. It happens because of the sophisticated of technology. We are now live in the digital era. Everything could be handled by technology, so people can do anything easily.

              The advanced of technology contributes to many fields of knowledge, one of them is in education. We are the agent of change. Education is the most important thing to be considered if we want to make a better life. Basically, there are four basic skills that everyone should master. Those are listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, basic skills are not enough. We need to improve ourselves on the other skills to keep up with the world.

              Nowadays, the current issues about skills in the 21st century is known as 4c’s skills. They are Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication. Have you ever heard that?

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              The four C’s of 21st Century skills let students create a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts. That may sound overly-generalized, and you may be right. But the skills themselves are so general that it’s difficult to pin down what, why, or how students should learn the four C’s. It’s most accurate to say that students need the four C’s for any and every reason.

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