Why Students Cheat During Examination

Ditulis oleh: Administrator, 13-02-2020

         Cheating almost becomes a culture in the schools. It was not an odd thing anymore among students. You can find almost every student like to cheat during examination. For example, asking others about the answer or bringing small notes. Everyone acknowledge that cheating is not right. Yet, many students still do it. It makes us wonder what is it that makes them keep cheating?

         Who does not want to be the best? It is natural for human to have such desire. For students, they want to get good grades than their friends. It is the same with the parents, they also want their children to be the best than others and that is why parents will be angry to their children if they do not get good grades. Instead of giving support and helping them, they tend to give a hurtful comment to their children, saying that they have not done their best to study or how stupid of them that they get wrong on answering an easy question. Those actions will make the children afraid to tell their parents if they get a bad score on examination and due to their fear, they decide to do everything include cheating so they will not be scolded by their parents. Another thing that scare them beside their parents is they think that getting bad grades at school will make them difficult to find a job in the future. In fact, It is true that almost every job requires good grades but it doesn’t mean you will not find a job if you don’t have good grades. There is also a job that prefers skill or creativity and does not make grades as a big deal. But still, thinking about it will pressure them and it is also the reason why they decide to cheat.

         The lack of high self-esteem also play a big role. One of the most embarrassing moments for students is when they get bad grades. It is true that they will be embarrassed if they get lower grades than their friends. They want to hide it from anyone, they also did not ask the other friends about their grades. Meanwhile when they get good grades, they will show it to others willingly. Getting bad grades will influence their confidence. They will make an own bad judgment to their self which is not good because it will pressure them and they will not have a chance to improve. Instead, they will just be frustrated. Bad grades do not only make them being embarrassed in school but also in the home. Parents will talk about how bad their grades to other relatives. For example is imagine you as a student then your parents will complain about your bad grades to your aunt or uncle and compare you with your cousin who your parents think smarter than you which is absolutely make you feel humiliated. You will get upset at your parents and to make it worse, if that always happens, you will just accept being considered stupid and you will find there is no use to study anymore because you are stupid. Thus, cheating is an option for the students, due to embarrassment.

         The last reason is the result is more important than the process. When the students study hard there will be no one who pays attention to how much effort they put in to get good grades. Everyone will just look at the result which they think is the sign that shows they have study hard or not. they will be praised if they get good grades but if not, people think that they did not study which is not true. In fact, they have done the best to study. There are students that cannot perform well on the test because they think that the are not smart to do the tests well, or they lack adequate skills they require but it does not mean that they are lazy. Instead, they always pay attention to their teachers and always do their homework. We can not judge the students that they have not study hard for examination. The judgment will make the students think that the result is more important than anything. It will cause a burden for the students and make them thinking that cheating is an easy way to get a good score.

         In conclusion, there are many reasons for students to cheat during the examination. The desire to be the best,  the lack of confidence and also how important is the result of their study than the process. So, instead of making an own judgment, parents or teacher should support the students so they will feel motivated on getting good grades.

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Picture Source : https://www.thoughtco.com/cheating-and-education-6479

Source              : https://www.oakland.edu/Assets/upload/docs/OUWC/Presentations&Workshops/dont_fail_your_courses.pdf